As an approved 5StarTeacher, why should I not teach my acquired my Students away from the platform?
The Answer:
1) the acquired Student can report you at any time. And if they do, you are liable to prosecution,
2) it may be convenient for you as a Teacher but may be less convenient for the Student e.g. they have a guarantee,
3) you have to create, market and sell your own Courses on your own,
4) you will have to spend 'unpaid' time selling and pitching your Courses to potential customers,
5) you may not have the exposure to lots of potential customers who come here to find the right teacher, coach, consultant or expert in the field for them,
6) we'll make sure you'll miss the convenience by continuously improving the user experience on our platform. That's a guarantee.
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FAQ #2267 - As an approved 5StarTeacher, why should I not teach my acquired my Students away from the platform?