As an approved 5StarTeacher, why should I not teach my acquired my Students away from the platform?
The Answer:
Here's why:
- first and foremost: the acquired Student can report you for this at any time. And if they do, you are liable to prosecution. Is it really worth it?
- it may be convenient for you as a Teacher but may be less convenient for the Student e.g. they have a guarantee,
- you would have to create, market and sell your Courses on your own,
- you would have to spend 'unpaid' time selling and pitching your Courses to potential customers,
- you may not have the exposure to lots of potential customers who come here to find the right teacher, coach, consultant or expert in the field for them,
- we'll make sure you'll miss the convenience of using our platform by continuously improving the user experience on our platform. That's a guarantee.
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FAQ #2267 - As an approved 5StarTeacher, why should I not teach my acquired my Students away from the platform?