Why do you need to know my gender?
The Answer:
Case Student:
Imagine you are the mother of an 8-year-old girl and you want your daughter to learn English but ONLY from a "female" native English teacher. That should be possible and so in order to make that possible, we have to ask you, the Teacher, for your biological gender.
Case Teacher:
Imagine you are a female Teacher and you only wanted to teach "women". That should be possible and so in order to make that possible, you can set a required gender on your Courses so that only people with that gender can see and buy your Course. This way, you can't be disappointed. We believe that is REAL value for both the Student and the Teacher.
Note: We do not explicitly show anyone's gender on the platform, it's only used through search filters.
Watch the video:

FAQ #2490 - Why do you need to know my gender?