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( an FAQ = a Frequently Asked Question )
There are in total 43 FAQ that match your search criteria.
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A: Log in to your account. Logging in should send you to your account page and there you'll find a button that says "Update Profile". If that doesn't happen, you may need to verify your email address first if you haven't done so already. If that doesn't work for you, click on your account name in the top menu and that should send you to your account page where you can click or tap "Update Profile".
Intended for: Anyone
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A: Go to the home page and click on "Sign up" or tap the hamburger menu so you can see the link. Then follow the instructions. We have a few questions before you can sign up as a Student. Teachers will be able to sign up very soon.
Intended for: Anyone
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A: Most likely you have not yet verified your email address. Go find the first email we have sent you, something like this "****". There you should see a link that you need to click which will log you in automatically and verify your email address. From then, you can do anything you need to do: book Courses, book Sessions, save Teachers, sign up for Events, create Requests and much more.
Intended for: Anyone
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Events are currently free webinars, meetings or gatherings organised by the 5StarTeacher team to teach you something or explain how 5StarTeachers works for both Students and Teachers. Join them whenever you can if you have the correct requirements to join.

Note: there is usually a maximum sign-up quota. First come, first served.

Intended for: Teachers
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Currently you can create as many Courses as you like on our platform. We wouldn't encourage you to do so because it would become a mess for you in the first place. 

However, you can only ever have a maximum of 5 Single-session Courses and 5 Multi-session Courses activated at any one time. Whether they are listed or unlisted Courses, doesn't matter. This means that you can have maximum 10 Courses in total that are available for booking. 

Note i: You can only activate Courses that are moderated and approved by our Team.
Note ii: Your Course does not need to be moderated and approved by our Team when you simply duplicate it and set a different price for example. If you also update other fields, this Course might need to go back in the moderation queue for our Team to check it.

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: 1. Create a profile as Teacher, Coach, Consultant or Expert. You need to have a Linkedin profile for this. 2. Verify your account. 3. Take our Pre-Teacher Training Quiz (easy) and agree to the terms and conditions. 4. Update your profile, (our system will guide you) 5. Create your first Single-session Course, 6. Create 50 Sessions available for booking, 7. Create a Personal Introduction Video, 8. Create a Course Introduction Video. When you are happy with your content, set each of these items to "Ready to go!" and your profile will go in our moderation queue. 9. Allow 48 hours for our team to check and moderate your profile and content. 10. If all is good, our CEO will book one of your Available Sessions to have a short interview with you. 11. And if that is all good: CONGRATULATIONS! You've just become an approved 5StarTeacher and you can start earning money from wherever you are in the world by sharing massive amounts of value via teaching, coaching, or advising 1-to-1 online, via screen sharing on our platform. Yay! Good to know: Check your profile page to see a comprehensible profile status card. (this is private info)
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: If you are a native English speaker, you can update your Student's English level to the level you think they currently have. Doing so, is recorded on the Student's Profile revision log for the team to check in case a mistake was made. When the Student has a higher English level than they had previously set on their own profile, the Student will be quite happy because it opens more doors for them. The opposite, however, is a bit tricky. If you decide to downgrade their English level, please discuss this with the Student first. If the Student has a certificate which shows an English level congruent with their settings on their profile, please do not do this. If they can't prove it and you feel that having this incorrect English level on their profile is disadvantageous for the Student themselves and for other Teachers as well, then go ahead and change it.
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Good question. We always say: do the right thing, every time. We believe that doing the right thing is to ensure that you don't trick people, that you don't scam them, that you don't write any English mistakes (use an Ai to correct your English if necessary), that you don't create low quality, not in your text, not in your videos, not in your images or thumbnails. And what about knowledge? Who are we to judge you on your knowledge of the subject you want to teach? Do we need an expert on our team for every possible subject or topic who is "more" experienced than you? We don't think so. Besides, that would be simply impossible. And what about degrees? Some teachers who have degrees are terrible teachers. Others who don't have degrees are some of the best. Therefore moderation is not a matter of knowledge or degrees. It is a matter of quality, experience, and commitment. And we agree, that is a subjective matter. But if we can't find that in your Course, it won't be approved. We are 5StarTeachers after all, not "4.9-star Teachers". So live up to it! And if it does happen that your Course can't be approved, our moderator will leave a comment for you on your Course on how to fix it.
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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You can activate a maximum of 5 Single-session Courses and 5 Multi-session Courses at any one time. This means that you can have maximum 10 Courses in total that are available for booking. Some or all of these Courses can be set to "unlisted". If you choose that option, no one will find your Courses in our listing and search pages anymore. You would choose this option if you wanted to take 100% control of your own marketing efforts. This means, that you will have to share your Course links with your potential audience, e.g. on your social accounts. It could be a useful strategy to some 5StarTeachers who are, for example famous or very popular on the platform.

Note i: You can only activate Courses that are moderated and approved by our Team.
Note ii: If you don't have enough "Available Sessions" for the next 30 days, all your Courses will automatically be deactivated and you will be notified of that. In that case, simply add more available Sessions and activate your Courses as you like at the click of a button.

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Duplicating a Course is the easiest way to create a copy of an already approved Course. But you must select a different price. All Courses collect data so it's wise to not modify your Course but duplicate it and modify the duplicate instead. That way, you can easily do A/B testing. When you update certain fields on any approved Course, it will go back into moderation. The updated fields that will send your Course back into moderation are: - the title - the tag line - the subject - the Course type (if not Subject-only Course anymore) - the audience - the skill tags - the topic tags - the category - the English description - the English summary - any external links - any images - your own specific T&C (unless it's now blank) - your Course Intro Video
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Of course. For some types of Courses, books are simply indispensable. If you are going to use a book to teach your Student, there are fields on your Course where you can upload a picture that "you" took of the book cover, where you can set the title and the ISBN of the book. Do mention in your description that having the book is a requirement, if you need them to own this book as well. This is a great strategy to attract more Students who are familiar with this book. Note: Uploading a picture you have taken of the a book cover and posting it here on your Course for the purpose of teaching and to encourage your Student to buy the book, is generally considered "fair use" under the copyright law.
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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Only Students who have the required minimum English level, the required Student level and the required gender that you have set on your Course can book your Course. This is to avoid disappointment.

Minimum English level
By default the minimum English level set on every Course is "Beginner" but you can change it as you like. If the Student doesn't speak your native language and can't speak English at a level that you require for this Course, that's a serious problem we want to avoid at all costs.

Student level
By default the Student level is set to "adult". If you want to teach under 18s (kids), you must upload a valid Certificate of Good Conduct on your profile and have it approved by our team. Your CGC is kept private but the Student will see a check mark so they understand that we have approved your CGC. Your CGC must be issued within the last 6 months as of the current date. Say you wanted to specifically teach Students of a particular Student Level e.g. Primary 6 because you want to teach them English in preparation for their English Secondary School Interview, that should be possible. When you set it to be this level, only Students with that level set on their profile will be able to book your Course.

By default the gender for your Course is set to "any" but let's say that you only wanted to teach "females", you'd set it to "female any". Then Students who are males, cannot access or book your Course. And if you only wanted to teach people from the LGBTQ+ community, you'd set it to LGBTQ+. Explore more options on our platform.

We strongly believe that no one should be forced to teach people of a particular gender, accept any English level or Student level. And conversely, no one should be forced to learn from a Teacher if they do not agree with them based gender, language, degrees, expertise, skills or abilities. You are the center of our platform, whether you are a Teacher or a Student, you should be in control. And that's how it should be if we want you to have the happiest and best possible experience in learning whether it's on this platform or anywhere else.


Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Yes, you can. And you probably should. When you are logged in as an approved 5StarTeacher, go to your "Available Courses" and click the "Request This" button for a Course, it will automatically create a Request for you and bring you to the Request update page where you should modify a few settings. Make sure to create a GREAT Request title. For example: "Help me learn English for becoming a cabin crew". The Student level and the minimum English level is automatically set to match your Course. Once you set your Request to "Ready to go!", it will go live (published) and your Course will be connected to your Request so that Students can find your Course here as well and book it if they are interested. When a Student sees a Request in which they are interested, they can 'star' that Request and once you connect your Course to that Request, everyone who has 'starred' this Request will be notified via email. Note i: every Request is anonymous and can't be updated once it has been published.
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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To avoid disappointment on both sides, we introduced the "accepted commitments" select options. From experience as Teachers, we often made the mistake to expect our Students to have a high commitment towards their Course but it turned out that they didn't have that kind of commitment (because we never asked them). So we were often very disappointed and so were our Students. 

Students who agree to a "casual" commitment are not likely to be coachable or willing to be pushed to work harder, follow through or improve by their Teacher or Coach. Their goals or intentions are not bad, just different. So to have both sides on the same page from the start, these "Accepted Commitments" will show the Student what level of commitment the Teacher expects from the Student. And this should result in a long lasting Teacher-Student relationship which is beneficial for both parties. You can set multiple "Accepted Commitments" as a strategy to reach a larger audience if you are willing to accept these commitments. During the Course booking, Students will need to select one of your "Accepted Commitments" in order to book this Course with you successfully.

Good to know: Students can search Courses based on the "Accepted Commitments"

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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You have to set at least 1 "Classroom Option" on every Course that you activate. Use a "Classroom Option" that you can use and love using. Currently you can choose from the following: Zoom, FaceTime, macOS Screen Sharing, Google Meet, MS Teams, and StreamYard. When they book your Course, they can only select 1 Classroom Option from the ones you have chosen. Our recommendation for "screen sharing" is Zoom. But note that you, the Teacher, must have a paid subscription with Zoom in order to teach 1-hour Sessions. You can set multiple "Classroom Options" as a strategy to reach a larger audience if you are willing to use these Classroom Options.

Good to know: Students can search Courses based on these Classroom Options.

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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Yes, you can offer a Course free of charge but only for a limited number of times.

On the Course edit page, add your own coupon code in the field "Free Course Coupon Code". This works only for Single-session Courses.

Imagine you've set a coupon code on your Single-session Course. Your coupon code must be a string of characters without spaces. You activate this Course and then promote it in your social circles with a link to the Course and the coupon code. A potential customer saw your social post and decides to click the link. They arrive at your Course page and there they click the "Book now" button which sends them to the Course booking page. There they have to "click the plus icon", at the top right of the page, to enter the coupon code you posted. When they finalise the booking process, as per usual, there will be no payment and their Course becomes immediately active. They can now book a Session for this Course by booking one of your Available Sessions.

Note i: The Student can book this Course for free only once. If they bought this Course before and paid for it, they can still book this one for free using the correct coupon code.
Note ii: if you don't want to offer this Course anymore for free, simply edit your Course and remove the "Free Course Coupon Code".

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Added Value posts or AV posts, are very similar to articles or blog posts you see on the Internet but this time they contain 5-star value because they are created by a 5StarTeacher. Yay! Each approved 5StarTeacher can create 12 of those in a year. They function similar to the Course creation so that you can set a video, maximum 4 translations, downloadable files and also audio bits that play right in the AV post. The Added Value Video is a regular YouTube video link from your own YouTube account and needs to fulfil a few requirements. AV posts are publicly available, searchable via our AV post listing pages and will be picked up by search engines. You can (and should) attach a Course of yours that you wish to push. It will show up as a Course Ad. Pretty cool, huh? Note i: if you add a downloadable file, you can check how many people have actually downloaded your file so far. To do so: click the "?" to the right of the download button. Note ii: The downloadable file is very handy if you are mentioning "a free download" in your YouTube video. You know, when YouTubers say things like "Click the link in the description below to download the free file."
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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Imagine you are a money managing expert and you have created a spreadsheet that is rather complex but super useful and that you believe all your Students would want. Then you can make it available for download once they bought that specific Course. Look for "course files" on the Course edit page. You can easily use this as a marketing strategy and attract many people to buy your Course.

Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Yes, you can. Up to 4 translations. This is a great strategy to target a specific audience. You add the translations in the field "Description Other Languages". When you do, make sure that the first text is the 2-letter code of the translated language. Then select these 2 letters and choose the option "language" from the formatting menu. Hit enter and write your translation in the text field. Once you save it, it will show up as a tab for the user to click on. Note: All Courses load in English first. If you wish the Course translation to appear as the primary language upon loading the page, copy the link of the Course and add: ?lang=FR at the end of the link so that it looks something like this: This will now show in French upon loading and if you use Safari's Reader, you will see the Reader in French. Cool, huh?
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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Yes you can and you should!

We built a 100% transparent feature for you to cooperate with Influencers so that you can get exposure in their circles, i.e. a market in which you currently have no connections. You don't need to be the marketing expert. Let others do that for you and focus on what you do best, that's our suggestion.

Here are the steps: 

  1. Find yourself an Influencer and negotiate their reward. 5StarTeachers will not interfere in your negotiations with them or dictate how much they should be paid or what they should get. That is totally up to the both of you.
  2. Edit your Course and find the field "Coupon Codes from Influencers". There are 2 values you have to enter: the first is the agreed upon Coupon Code, the second is the email address of the Influencer, in this order. Both the Coupon Code and the Influencer's email address are never shown on the Course or anywhere on the platform.
  3. Save your Course, it automatically becomes "unlisted" which means that only people with the link can see it. And if they are a registered Student, they can book it IF they book it with the correct coupon code from the Influencer. 
  4. Suppose they booked it correctly, both the Teacher and the Influencer get an email that it was successfully booked. 
  5. And when the Teacher decides to take the Course offline (deactivate), the Influencer gets notified of this as well. And therefore this is 100% transparent to both the Teacher and Influencer.
  6. Explain this to your Influencer and we are sure they'll love it because it's so easy.


Good to know about Coupon Codes from Influencers

Courses can have multiple influencer email addresses and coupon codes.

If you had set a Free Course Coupon Code to offer Students a free Single-session Course and you add Coupon Codes from Influencers, your Free Course Coupon Code will be removed automatically.


You have a "listed" Single-session Course that you offer at the regular price of USD 100. To work together with an influencer, you "duplicate" this Course and set the Course price on the duplicate to USD 50, for example. You add the Influencer's email address and the agreed upon coupon code and save it. This Course duplicate is now exactly the same except that it is now available at USD 50. It is also "unlisted" and only bookable with the coupon code from the Influencer. When the Influencer can successfully influence people in their circles to book and buy your Course via the link and the coupon code, they have now bought the Course at a 50% discount because everyone else is paying USD 100. 

The reason why you should duplicate your Course, is so that you can always compare the data between the two Courses, the one with the coupon code and the one without, or in case you just wanted to try out a different price for a specific Course without coupon code or influencer. We wanted our Teachers to be able to keep their Course data to analyse their marketing efforts at any time so they can adjust based on data.


Intended for: Teachers
Language: English