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A: On 5StarTeachers we believe that you should teach, coach or advise people that you like teaching, coaching or advising. That way, you will keep enjoying what you do for much longer. Therefore we created the "decline button" so that you can decline a Student who has previously taken at a Single-session Course with you in case you don't want to teach, coach or advise them anymore. Once you have declined them, they won't be able to see or book your "Available Courses" any more. Because, just like in romance, some people don't get on well with each other. Note: you can still undo the decline action at any time.
Intended for: Teachers
Language: English
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A: Teachers set the minimum required English level that their Students must have to book their Course. That is their choice. All screened and approved Teachers have at least a lower-intermediate English level so that there is a common language for communication: English. All Students must set their English level at sign-up so that they can only find and book Courses which are suitable for their English level. If that were not the case, both the Student and the Teacher would be very disappointed. We want your experience to be as smooth as possible.
Intended for: All Students
Language: English