FAQs about Moderation

# The Question
6 Q: How many Courses can I create?

Currently you can create as many Courses as you like on our platform. We wouldn't encourage you to do so because it would become a mess for you in the first place. 

However, you can only ever have a maximum of 5 Single-session Courses and 5 Multi-session Courses activated at any one time. Whether they are listed or unlisted Courses, doesn't matter. This means that you can have maximum 10 Courses in total that are available for booking. 

Note i: You can only activate Courses that are moderated and approved by our Team.
Note ii: Your Course does not need to be moderated and approved by our Team when you simply duplicate it and set a different price for example. If you also update other fields, this Course might need to go back in the moderation queue for our Team to check it.


5 Q: What are the steps to become a 5StarTeacher?
A: 1. Create a profile as Teacher, Coach, Consultant or Expert. You need to have a Linkedin profile for this. 2. Verify your account. 3. Take our Pre-Teacher Training Quiz (easy) and agree to the terms and conditions. 4. Update your profile, (our system will guide you) 5. Create your first Single-session Course, 6. Create 50 Sessions available for booking, 7. Create a Personal Introduction Video, 8. Create a Course Introduction Video. When you are happy with your content, set each of these items to "Ready to go!" and your profile will go in our moderation queue. 9. Allow 48 hours for our team to check and moderate your profile and content. 10. If all is good, our CEO will book one of your Available Sessions to have a short interview with you. 11. And if that is all good: CONGRATULATIONS! You've just become an approved 5StarTeacher and you can start earning money from wherever you are in the world by sharing massive amounts of value via teaching, coaching, or advising 1-to-1 online, via screen sharing on our platform. Yay! Good to know: Check your profile page to see a comprehensible profile status card. (this is private info)

4 Q: How do you review or moderate my Courses?
A: Good question. We always say: do the right thing, every time. We believe that doing the right thing is to ensure that you don't trick people, that you don't scam them, that you don't write any English mistakes (use an Ai to correct your English if necessary), that you don't create low quality, not in your text, not in your videos, not in your images or thumbnails. And what about knowledge? Who are we to judge you on your knowledge of the subject you want to teach? Do we need an expert on our team for every possible subject or topic who is "more" experienced than you? We don't think so. Besides, that would be simply impossible. And what about degrees? Some teachers who have degrees are terrible teachers. Others who don't have degrees are some of the best. Therefore moderation is not a matter of knowledge or degrees. It is a matter of quality, experience, and commitment. And we agree, that is a subjective matter. But if we can't find that in your Course, it won't be approved. We are 5StarTeachers after all, not "4.9-star Teachers". So live up to it! And if it does happen that your Course can't be approved, our moderator will leave a comment for you on your Course on how to fix it.

3 Q: How many Courses can I activate?

You can activate a maximum of 5 Single-session Courses and 5 Multi-session Courses at any one time. This means that you can have maximum 10 Courses in total that are available for booking. Some or all of these Courses can be set to "unlisted". If you choose that option, no one will find your Courses in our listing and search pages anymore. You would choose this option if you wanted to take 100% control of your own marketing efforts. This means, that you will have to share your Course links with your potential audience, e.g. on your social accounts. It could be a useful strategy to some 5StarTeachers who are, for example famous or very popular on the platform.

Note i: You can only activate Courses that are moderated and approved by our Team.
Note ii: If you don't have enough "Available Sessions" for the next 30 days, all your Courses will automatically be deactivated and you will be notified of that. In that case, simply add more available Sessions and activate your Courses as you like at the click of a button.


2 Q: If I duplicate my Course, will it have to go back into moderation?
A: Duplicating a Course is the easiest way to create a copy of an already approved Course. But you must select a different price. All Courses collect data so it's wise to not modify your Course but duplicate it and modify the duplicate instead. That way, you can easily do A/B testing. When you update certain fields on any approved Course, it will go back into moderation. The updated fields that will send your Course back into moderation are: - the title - the tag line - the subject - the Course type (if not Subject-only Course anymore) - the audience - the skill tags - the topic tags - the category - the English description - the English summary - any external links - any images - your own specific T&C (unless it's now blank) - your Course Intro Video

1 Q: I am not a native English speaker, can I still teach on this platform?

Yes, you can.

You have to show us that you have at least a lower-intermediate English level so that our Students know there will be a common language that you can use to communicate with them in any case. And if the Student speaks your native language, feel free to ask if you are allowed to teach in your native language. It doesn't have to be English.

